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Author: Olar Paul

Building Dreams, One Swing at a Time

Building Dreams, One Swing at a Time: Engaruka Community Initiative Creates a Playground Oasis for EEMPS Students Engaruka Community Initiative Organization (ENCO) has taken a giant leap towards enhancing the educational experience at Engaruka English Medium Primary School (EEMPS) by spearheading the construction of a vibrant and engaging playground for its students. This initiative, undertaken by the community for the community, reflects a collective commitment to fostering holistic development and providing a nurturing environment for the children of Engaruka. EEMPS,...

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Jimrojas Mollel Samwel

Teacher Profile Jimrojas Samwel Mollel Kiswahili Teacher Jimrojas is bachelor degree holder in Education majoring Kiswahili which he obtained at the university of Dar- es-salaam . He is also among the few Masai youth who had the privilege to study. Jimrojas says that, every child has the right regardless of their gender. This is what inspired me to teach Engarauka English Medium school because this specific school provided opportunities to all students regardless of there status, gender and even religion. “Education for Liberation” He joined EEMPS IN 2023

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Witness Mollel

Teacher Profile Witness Mollel Nursery Teacher Witness’s own educational journey led her to excel academically. She pursued a Certificate in Education with a specialization in early childhood education. Her academic achievements were matched only by her unwavering commitment to the betterment of her community. she joined EEMPS in 2022 as a volunteer and was later permanently employed. Ever since she joined EEMPS, Witness has been a remarkable educator with a heart dedicated to the cause of education. Her inspiring journey as an educator at the school has touched the lives of countless...

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Clara Dickson

Teacher Profile Clara Dickson English Teacher Clara is a  bachelor degree  holder of Arts in Education majoring English and History from mwalimu nyerere university, Dar-es -salaam. She joined Engaruka English Medium school in 2022 as a volunteer and she was permanently employed in 2023. Although she is not a Maasai, she says that  She believes  education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality in any community. she also says that she is driven by the desire to empower the next generation with knowledge and skills. She firmly believes that education can provide children with...

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Losai Saitoti

Teacher Profile Losai Saitoti Mathematics Teacher Losai is a bachelor’s degree holder of Science with Education. He studied at the University of Dar – es -salaam . He joined Engaruka English medium primary school in 2023 as a volunteer then later after he permanently joined as a mathematics teacher. Besides being among the few Masai youth who got privilege to study, Losai believes that education is the most powerful tool to empower young minds and shape their futures. He is committed to providing students with knowledge and skills that will help them thrive. Losai’s dedication...

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Ensuring Clean Water: A donation from from the Maasai Education Foundation , Thomas P Nail’s & Boutique Safari

Last year our school Project, Engaruka English Medium school received a donation from Maasai Education Foundation, Boutique Safari as well as Thomas P Nail’s to facilitate availability of water which was a long-time challenge for the school. Water is a fundamental necessity of life, and its importance cannot be overstated. At our school, we have experienced firsthand the transformative power of clean water, thanks to this generous contributions . Not only have they donated vital infrastructure, but they have also ensured that every student in our school has access to safe and clean water....

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Certificate of Acknowledgement Received from PAWAKA Indigenous People Funds for Successful Completion of Fund and Activity

Certificate of Acknowledgment received from PAWANKA Indigenous people We are thrilled to announce that our organization has been honored with a prestigious Certificate of Acknowledgement from the PAWAKA Indigenous People Funds. This certificate serves as a testament to our commitment and dedication in completing the fund and activity provided to us through our esteemed director, Martha Sengeruan.                 Receiving this certificate is a significant achievement for our organization, as it recognizes the successful completion of the fund and activity entrusted to us by the PAWAKA Indigenous...

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Empowering Women Through Business Trainings: Unlocking the Path to Success

Introduction The Maasai community, located in Engaruka, Tanzania, is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional way of life. However, like many indigenous communities around the world, Maasai women face numerous challenges and barriers to economic empowerment. In recent years, efforts have been made to empower Maasai women through business trainings, aiming to unlock their path to success. This article will explore the importance of empowering Maasai women, the impact of business trainings on their lives, and the potential for sustainable development within the community. Importance...

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Promoting Environmental Sustainability through Tree Distribution

Engaruka Community Initiative Organization is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and community development in the Engaruka region. One of our key project’s activity involved distributing various tree species to locals, aiming to enhance biodiversity, combat deforestation, and improve the overall ecological health of the area. This article will delve into the details of this environmental project activity undertaken by ENCO Importance of Tree Distribution: Trees play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy environment. They provide numerous benefits...

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Service Without Boarders Trip to EEMPS

Introduction In today’s interconnected world, service without borders is not just a catchphrase; it’s a testament to the power of global collaboration and goodwill. The spirit of volunteering transcends geographic boundaries and brings people from different corners of the world together to create lasting impacts. One such remarkable example of international volunteerism comes from the students of Virginia Tech, who journeyed to Tanzania to serve the Engaruka English Medium Primary School. Engaruka English Medium Primary School is located in the Engaruka region of Tanzania and is...

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Loserian Mwanaa

Loserian Mwanaa is a 10 years old boy from a small village called Oltemwai. Before joining EEMPS Loserian was a lives stock keeper. At the age of 5 years, he would be sent by his father to take a lot of sheep and cattle to eat. If he returns home with a single animal lost, he was beaten. After convincing his father a lot, he then agreed to let loserian join EEMPS. He is happy here at school and works extra hard in class so he can later on educate his society about the importance of education

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Sinoli Wilson

Sinoli Wilson is a 13 years old boy from Arusha city. When we met this boy, Sinoli was already working at the market area in Arusha. This was due to his family being very poor. They could not provide basic needs for him hence he had to find a way to feed himself. He worked 8 hours a day and was paid very little amount of money. After meeting with Martha (school’s Manager) she decided to take this boy and bring him to school. So far sinoli is very bright in class and humble as well. He is among the top 3 students in his class and besides that he is also the best football player. He likes mathematics...

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