Martha Olemisiko (Sengeruan)
Martha Olemisiko (Sengeruan) is the manager of Engaruka English Medium School (EEMPS) and Executive Director of the Engaruka Community Initiative Organization (ENCO), which operates the school. Martha is Maasai and obtained her B.S. in Sociology from the Catholic Univ. of Eastern Africa, Nairobi. She worked for the Maasai Women Development Organization (MWEDO) for 8 years as the Education Program Officer and Program Manager. At MWEDO she coordinated scholarships for more than 500 pastoralist girls, coordinated the MWEDO girl’s secondary school, and managed an adult literacy program for 6000 women. After leaving MWEDO in 2016, Martha established ENCO and EEMPS as main project of the ENCO education program.As the school manager, Martha manages school staff, which includes teachers, administrative and curriculum support staff, kitchen and cleaning staff, guards and school farm staff. She also coordinates, supervises and participates in various project’s activities at EEMPS. Martha also serves as the Tanzania liaison to the Maasai Education Foundation (MEF) Board and assists MEF and EEMPS in soliciting funds for school development and child sponsorships.